17 October




23 July

Do You Really Untie Tubes in Tubal Reversal Surgery?

The oldest type of tubal ligation was done by the ligature and resection method.  This is probably where the colloquial "tying tubes" came from as a ligature is tied around the fallopian tubes in such a way as to make a loop in each tube.  The resection part comes when the looped part of the tubes is cut away and removed.

However, the ligature is absorbed by the body so there is nothing to untie when it comes to tubal reversal surgery.  The cut ends of each tube become covered with some of the tissue within the abdomen effectively sealing off each part.  Just think of the ends as being scarred over.  This creates an effective tubal blockage in the vast majority of cases.

During tubal reversal surgery, your surgeon will have to remove the closed over ends creating two open sections in each tube.  Then he must put these ends together in such a way that they will heal back together once more creating a pathway for the egg to move down to the uterus.  A renowned tubal reversal doctor does this by suturing together two of the three layers of the fallopian tubes.

He doesn't suture together the thin inner layer which is covered by cilia.  It is these cilia that transport the egg down to the uterus with their waving motion.  He doesn't do the suturing here in order to keep additional scarring of the tubes down to a minimum.  He also feels from his vast experience of over 7000 tubal reversal surgeries that the two outer layers being sutured together provides the strength to hold the tube sections in place until healing is accomplished.

Not all types of female sterilization include ligatures or resecting.  Additional methods include coagulation where "burns" are made in one, two or even three places along the tubes, fimbriectomy wherein the fimbrial end is removed, clips or rings applied around the tubes, or even other mechanical devices like the Adiana or Essure which are actually inserted within the tubes to create tubal blockage.  So you can see how "untie tubes" can be a real misnomer.

The bottom line in tubal reversal surgery though is that your surgeon will have to remove whatever is causing the tubal blockage plus whatever parts of the fallopian tubes have been damaged.  For instance, in coagulation he has to remove all the burned part(s) and then reattach to each other the good sections left.


Article Source: http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Tubal_Conditions/2014/0607/595.html


17 July

Help Me Lose Weight by Burning Fat in the Gym

The quick and fast methods of losing weight have run rampant for years, but these methods do not provide lasting results. More often than not, these dieting methods will cause you to gain more weight once you stop using them, and you will stop using them. This is why diets don't work. Lifestyle changes in the way you eat have lasting results because you're not starving yourself.

You need healthy ways to lose weight. A program you can rely on to provide you with lifetime results. Being realistic about your weight loss goals is also important. You didn't gain this weight in one week, you can't expect to lose it in one week.

If you want the easiest ways to lose weight, and keep it off for years to come, then you need to stop dieting, invest in healthy ways to lose weight and choose the right foods to lose weight with. Here are some tips on the healthy ways to shed the pounds...

Being around the right people all the time is critical to getting and staying motivated to lose weight.

You know there's a saying that goes like.... "tell me who your 5 closest friends are and I'll tell you who you are"

Who you spend time with and surround yourself with makes a huge difference in the actions you take and the habits you form.

Just hang out with slim people long enough and you'll POSITIVELY see the difference in yourself.

If your 5 best friends are slim and fit and you surround yourself with slim people, then there's only 1 of 2 things that can happen.

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17 July

Stop Excusing Yourself From Losing Weight and Lose Weight

You need healthy ways to lose weight. A program you can rely on to provide you with lifetime results. Being realistic about your weight loss goals is also important. You didn't gain this weight in one week, you can't expect to lose it in one week.

If you want the easiest ways to lose weight, and keep it off for years to come, then you need to stop dieting, invest in healthy ways to lose weight and choose the right foods to lose weight with. Here are some tips on the healthy ways to shed the pounds...

Please be realistic about this. There is no way you can lose 30 pounds in 2 weeks and keep if off for the rest of your life. The easiest ways to lose weight is to remember you have to choose an excellent weight loss program, and make sure you follow the plan for maximum benefit.

Eat Your Breakfast

It is a true fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It has been proven that eating this meal will jump-start your metabolism. Choose the right foods to lose weight with and this will help you burn fat all day long.

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17 July

Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast - Get the Top Weight Loss Tips

I want to tell you that these diets will help you lose weight rapidly. Also, you can follow crash diets for a short time till you lose weight although it is better to retrieve to your normal diet later.

Another way to reduce fat is through surgery. This alternative is generally recommended to folks who are very obese. These days, there are lots of diet pills obtainable in the market to lose weight quickly but what I have to say is that someone have to discuss with his/her physician before making use of them to avoid the negative side effects. On the other hand, it is recommended that you ought to keep away from diet pills as they can be dangerous to your health. For this reason it is better to keep to the natural methods of weight loss since it has no or little side effect.

The weight comes right back on. And how realistic is it to live the rest of your life taking diet pills or not eating carbohydrates (or trying to follow some other diet torture routine that isn't sustainable)?

Not very! The truth is these methods of losing weight are not really designed to allow you to succeed in the long term. Following them for extended periods of time is unrealistic and impractical. So let me ask you, are you sick of wasting your money on supplements and diet pills that don't really work?

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17 July

Top Effective Ways to Lose Weight Fast - Here Are Free Weight Loss Tips

Try eating 5 small meals daily instead of eating 3 full meals daily. Eating this way will stop you from over eating, and it will also raise your metabolism, which in turn will help you burn calories much faster.

Limit Your Intake Of Carbs

One way to shed the pounds is to limit your intake of carbs. Not only do you have to watch the donuts, pies, sodas and candy, but some breads, rice and pastas will also cause you to gain weight. There are good breads, rice and pastas that you can eat, and this is where choosing the right foods comes in.

Pay Attention To The Type Of Fat You Consume

Not all fats are equal, and I'm sure you are aware of this fact. I'm also sure that you now know that your body needs fat, but it's the healthy fat you get from olive oil, coconut oil, and the cold water fish like tuna, salmon, and mackerel. These all provide you with omega-3 fats, which is good for your heart.

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